Prelude Flute Ensemble
Prelude Flute Ensemble, directed by Katherine Draney, is a youth program primarily for middle-school flutists. Students receive instruction in the basics of tone production, technique, and music theory while being introduced to the independence of playing ensemble music with several different parts. Advanced students, upon proficiency assessment, may be placed in the Capriccio Ensemble.
The 2024 - 2025 season will begin Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 5:45 - 7:00 p.m. The director may find it necessary to adjust rehearsal times slightly to help meet the individual needs of the students. This offers the best instructional experience.
Students must bring their own C flute. Flute Frenzy-owned piccolos, alto, and bass flutes are available for use by students during rehearsals. Prelude members will participate in the four annual Flute Frenzy concerts plus a few community performances throughout the year. There will also be occasional activities planned with the other youth groups.
Tuition for the academic year is $350, payable by the year or semester: $150 Fall/ Winter; $200 Spring. Tuition includes professional instruction, sheet music, and the use of Flute Frenzy owned instruments during rehearsals.
Clicking 'Register' will give you the option to pay through PayPal. You will also be given instructions for payment by check.
Parents are invited to a Meet-and-Greet with the Directors during the first rehearsal of the season (Sept. 4th), from 6:45 - 7:00 pm.